Sunday, January 30, 2011


Here Is a Few Little simple tips for beginners No matter what stringed instrument you are learning to play Guitar , Mandolin. Banjo, whatever

(1) Cut your Fingernails. Now That sounds pretty dumb don't it? However If your fingernails sticks out further than the tip of your finger
it will touch the fret board before the tips of your fingers, causing it harder to get a clear sound and also causing you to compensate
where your fingers are placed. plus over time causing excessive wear on your fret board.

(2) Get Comfortable. whether you sit down and play or prefer standing up or maybe you want to lay on your back or something crazy like that ha ha. it will be much easier to concentrate on learning if your back ,neck, legs or whatever is not paining from being in a uncomfortable position. Thus if you are comfortable it will be more enjoyable for you to practice

(3) keep your instrument in tune, being that you might be or are a beginner you might not have developed a ear for what your instrument is suppose to sound like. I suggest for you to get a electronic tuner. However back when I started playing there was no such thing. I had to get
a friend of mine to tune my guitar for me until I figured it out on my own. you can buy a pretty good tuner now days for about 20or30 bucks. Now my suggestion is not to be totally dependent on that tuner. Really concentrate on how that instrument sounds when it is in tune. Maybe, when you have played for awhile, tune one string with the tuner use it as a reference and then tune the rest by ear
then you can go back and check it with the tuner and see how close you are. This will really help you a lot down the road when trying to figure out a song, or tune . It can even help you to sing on key better or Know when something just don't sound right.
The Better your ear is the Better your music will sound Across the board.

(4) Play with other musicians. In my opinion This is by far the best way to learn. Why? Now Keep in mind I'm self taught
I don't know how to read music
I don't Know a Whole note from a G -clef, I wish I did, but I don't.so for some of you that read music this might be debatable.
Anyway It seems rhythm and timing are the hardest thing to learn or teach. You can learn a song note for note backwards and forwards
but if it is not in time or you can't play rhythm to it. It Won't sound right.
So there for, if you play with somebody else it will help you put the notes in the right place. and the song or tune will stay at a more constant speed
plus if they are better than you. you might be able to steal a lick or two, or ask them for advice on something your playing.
I have personally found that you can learn something from everybody no matter how good or bad they might play.
Because music is So broad. There is always a Series of notes ,a timing thing they do, a stop or what ever that you might want to add to your playing. And I don't believe that Anybody, I don't care who they are, have mastered a Instrument , just thought I would throw that in there.

Make sure and Check out the rest of my blogs There is a list of links on the right side of the page. Come back from time to time I am always adding more stuff

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